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 Rules Here

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Posts : 29
Points : 45
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2010-07-31
Age : 30
Location : Sterling

Rules Here Empty
PostSubject: Rules Here   Rules Here EmptySun Aug 01, 2010 3:56 am

General rules

* Respect the Staff and your fellow players.

* Cheating to gain an unfair advantage by using third party programs,
exploiting the client, game mechanics, the database, or other
bugs are strictly forbidden and will not be tolerated.

* If you find a bug that gives players an unfair advantage, please
immediately report the issue to Staff so that it can be fixed.

* Harassing U-Gunz Staff or other Players is not tolerated.

* Donors help keep U-Gunz and its servers operational. Verbal
Harassment/Flaming of these people is inappropriate if it be the Forums
or in-game. We will not tolerate this as these people deserve the same
respect as any other player.

* U-gunz Staff will never ask for your in-game account details, including your password, do not give these out.

* You are responsible for all actions taken on your account, do not lend or give your account or account details to anyone else.

* Using swear words or other inappropriate language, remember we have young players on here too.

* Racial and sexual abuse, slurs and inappropriate comments are strictly forbidden.

* Spamming (undesired, unsolicited bulk messages, repeating
the same word or sentence many times to get attention or to interfere
with normal operations)

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